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Karl Johansson
23 dec. 20243 min läsning
Populism: US vs UK
The US & UK had a massive wave of populism rise around the same time, so how come it seems to have subsided in London but not in Washington?
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Karl Johansson
11 juli 20223 min läsning
Bye Bye Boris
Boris is leaving office, does that mean the anti-establishment conservative movement is done for?
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Karl Johansson
25 okt. 20203 min läsning
Reflections on the Coming Election
eflections on the 2016 election and Trump’s Presidency, and the argument against polarisation.
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Karl Johansson
27 sep. 20202 min läsning
Social Democratic Setbacks
Right wing populists have become the working mans party, a title social demcrats used to hold; why have social democrats lost their place?
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Karl Johansson
20 sep. 20203 min läsning
Why Are Greens Struggling When Populists Aren't?
The GAL-TAN scale can explain why populists are doing well, but not why greens aren't. Why is that?
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Karl Johansson
1 dec. 20192 min läsning
Joker: 2019's Most Populist Film
I don’t usually write about movies on the blog, I tend to stick to economics and politics but this week I want to discuss one of this...
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Karl Johansson
17 nov. 20193 min läsning
The Age of Protests
There have been a lot of large-scale protests in 2019, from Paris to Santiago and from Hong Kong to Baghdad people have taken to the...
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Karl Johansson
13 jan. 20192 min läsning
Freedom and Democracy: The case against a second referendum
The Brexit process has come a long way and it is not long until the UK is scheduled to leave the EU. There is and has been lively debate...
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Karl Johansson
21 nov. 20184 min läsning
The Reason for Populism
As I’m sure everyone with even a passing interest in politics has noticed “populist” parties have done very well in a number of elections...
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