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Karl Johansson
17 mars 20193 min läsning
The Time Trap: Why A Brexit Extension Won't Matter
Theresa May has had a tough week with yet another vote in the House of Commons being rejected by large margins, this time 149 votes...
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Karl Johansson
27 jan. 20192 min läsning
The Economics of Government Shutdowns: the Multiplier Effect
After more of a month of a government shutdown the US government reopened again this Friday for a three week period to have the...
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Karl Johansson
20 jan. 20192 min läsning
The Economics of Network Effects
Many of the services we use every day have no real competitors, for example when was the last time you used Yahoo or Bing? Google is an...
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Karl Johansson
13 jan. 20192 min läsning
Freedom and Democracy: The case against a second referendum
The Brexit process has come a long way and it is not long until the UK is scheduled to leave the EU. There is and has been lively debate...
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Karl Johansson
7 jan. 20192 min läsning
The Syria Withdrawal
This week I’d like to tackle a much-discussed topic in American security circles: the decision of the Trump administration to withdraw...
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Karl Johansson
2 jan. 20192 min läsning
Predictions for 2019
Two days into the new year I will try to predict some of the important events to come in the coming year. I don’t pretend to be an expert...
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Karl Johansson
21 nov. 20184 min läsning
The Reason for Populism
As I’m sure everyone with even a passing interest in politics has noticed “populist” parties have done very well in a number of elections...
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Karl Johansson
28 aug. 20183 min läsning
Too Big To Fail: America's Antitrust Problem
If you're interested in the 2008 global financial crisis you've probably come across the term too big to fail, refering to certain banks...
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Karl Johansson
10 juni 20182 min läsning
The Relation Between Trade and Security
As I'm sure you've heard already, the US has decided to go ahead with its steel and aluminium tariffs on the European Union and Canada as...
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