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Karl Johansson
23 dec. 20243 min läsning
Populism: US vs UK
The US & UK had a massive wave of populism rise around the same time, so how come it seems to have subsided in London but not in Washington?
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Karl Johansson
16 dec. 20243 min läsning
Macron & The Pitfalls of Centrism
Macron lost a prime minister, and looks set to lose another. Has centrism failed him?
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Karl Johansson
9 dec. 20243 min läsning
Joe Biden: Nice Guy
The "Nice Guy" president has done it again.
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Karl Johansson
18 nov. 20243 min läsning
In the Court of the Orange King
Trump looks to run his second term more like a royal court than a presidential administration. Welcome to the court of the Orange King.
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Karl Johansson
11 nov. 20248 min läsning
Reflections on the 2024 US Presidential Election
Scattered reflections on the election, Trump, and the future.
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Karl Johansson
4 nov. 20249 min läsning
An American Balder
An essay on Trump, his appeal, and his mythic paralell in Balder.
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Karl Johansson
16 sep. 20243 min läsning
The Polling Problem
Kamala Harris' win in the recent debate could help her polling numbers, which could be a problem for her.
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Karl Johansson
9 sep. 20242 min läsning
Populism and Democratic Accountability
Best way to deal with nativists is to give them political power.
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Karl Johansson
22 juli 20243 min läsning
2016 2?
Will this years election be a second 2016?
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Karl Johansson
15 juli 20246 min läsning
Anti-Democratic Sentiment Is A Bi-Partisan Issue
American voters are not becoming more hostile to democracy but worryingly, its politicians seem to be.
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Karl Johansson
8 juli 20243 min läsning
Winds of Change
Which way are the political winds blowing around the English Channel?
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Karl Johansson
1 juli 20243 min läsning
Presidential Debate Debacle
It is finally confirmed: Joe Biden's age does make him unsuitable to be president.
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Karl Johansson
3 juni 20243 min läsning
Trump & The Law
It's hard not to see Trump's conviction leading to more polarisation and less faith in the judiciary.
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Karl Johansson
20 maj 20242 min läsning
Partisanship and Corruption
Partisanship is a self-reinforcing issue which also increases the risk of corruption.
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Karl Johansson
6 maj 20242 min läsning
Is There an Inherent Value in Protesting?
Why protest about divestment when that is so tangential to the war itself? Perhaps for the sake of protesting?
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Karl Johansson
29 apr. 20242 min läsning
Thoughts on Student Protests
Student protest are being broken up at American universities. That's a mistake.
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Karl Johansson
18 mars 20243 min läsning
TikTok Regulation, or the lack thereof
Social media regulation in the US is defined by petty grudges and thoroughly lacking in ambition.
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Karl Johansson
11 mars 20243 min läsning
State of the Union
Biden uses his state of the union speech to attack Trump, just like Trump would have done.
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Karl Johansson
26 feb. 20242 min läsning
The Problem With Democratic Restoration
Is it possible to restore trampled democratic norms? The cases of Donalds Tusk and Trump are illustrative in the difficulties such a project
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Karl Johansson
19 feb. 20243 min läsning
Brexit as a Success Story
Maybe Brexit was a tremendous success, at least for some.
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