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Karl Johansson
23 sep. 20243 min läsning
Competition & Competitiveness
Are European firms less competitive than US firms? And is competitiveness more important than competition?
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Karl Johansson
4 apr. 20224 min läsning
Gigs & Content
The last years has spawned both the gig economy and the creator economy, how has the focus on market efficiency over security played out?
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Karl Johansson
21 feb. 20223 min läsning
Good Giving or Good PR?
With Musk's record breaking donation to charity in the news it's worth taking a look at philanthropy: does it help more than it hurts?
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Karl Johansson
22 mars 20213 min läsning
State Capture & Inflation
How much do our world and the worlds of Neuroancer and Cyberpunk 2077 have in common? Here's a way we could find out.
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Karl Johansson
3 maj 20203 min läsning
Covid-19 and Unemployment
High unemployment in the US isn't as bad as you might think, at least not economically, though socially and politically it might be
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Karl Johansson
22 mars 20202 min läsning
Covid-19 Prediction
The worst part of the virus will be the recession it causes, and the young will get the short end of the stick.
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Karl Johansson
12 jan. 20203 min läsning
Housing & Financial Stability: A Case Study in Suboptimal Policy
Swedish housing policy is a case study in how to increase inequality
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Karl Johansson
24 nov. 20195 min läsning
OK Boomer
OK Boomer: The Economic and Political Origins of Intergenerational Conflict It’s fairly common to find instances of poor...
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Karl Johansson
21 juli 20193 min läsning
The Effects of Low Interest Rates in America
This month the American economy has been expanding for 121 months straight, the longest expansion on record. Despite this interest rates...
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Karl Johansson
14 juli 20193 min läsning
Why Facebook’s Libra is Doomed to Fail
Facebook's Libra could revolutionise the financial system, but will governments allow it to be launched?
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Karl Johansson
9 juni 20193 min läsning
The Politics of a Gig Economy
How come there isn't a proper political debate about the gig economy and what will it look like if it arrives?
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Karl Johansson
5 maj 20193 min läsning
Where Is The Inflation?
Since the Great Recession many economies have struggled to meet their inflation targets despite massive asset purchasing programmes by...
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Karl Johansson
21 apr. 20195 min läsning
The Political Economy of Currencies: The Gold Standard and the Euro
Some describe the period between the 1870’s and the first world war as a golden age of international trade and early globalisation with...
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Karl Johansson
31 mars 20193 min läsning
Europe and the Belt and Road Initiative
It’s almost impossible to dispute that China is rising. Due to the fact that China is quite rapidly approaching great power status, if it...
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Karl Johansson
27 feb. 20193 min läsning
An Analysis of the Aggregate Effects of QE and Near Zero Interest Rates
One of my most common topics to write about on the blog has been Quantitative Easing (QE), both because I find it very interesting and...
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Karl Johansson
17 feb. 20192 min läsning
Why Millennials are Worse off than Previous Generations
It’s fairly easy to find articles about millennials; about how the younger generations don’t buy houses, about how millennials are not as...
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Karl Johansson
10 feb. 20193 min läsning
An Analysis of the Political Economy of Inequality
Inequality is growing across the West and it has been since at least 2008. Why is this happening, how does it affect society and what can...
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Karl Johansson
27 jan. 20192 min läsning
The Economics of Government Shutdowns: the Multiplier Effect
After more of a month of a government shutdown the US government reopened again this Friday for a three week period to have the...
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Karl Johansson
20 jan. 20192 min läsning
The Economics of Network Effects
Many of the services we use every day have no real competitors, for example when was the last time you used Yahoo or Bing? Google is an...
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Karl Johansson
25 juli 20182 min läsning
Trade & Taxes
US President Donald Trump has decreased taxes without cutting spending, a critisised move given the size of the US national debt. The...
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