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Karl Johansson
23 sep. 20243 min läsning
Competition & Competitiveness
Are European firms less competitive than US firms? And is competitiveness more important than competition?
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Karl Johansson
26 aug. 20243 min läsning
Democratising Culture?
Has platforms like Spotify and Netflix been a net positive for making culture accessible?
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Karl Johansson
17 juni 20245 min läsning
First Level Thinking and How To Make Intelligent Predictions About the Economy
The people who are supposed to be experts about the economy are often wrong. Here's why, and a trick to avoid making the same mistakes.
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Karl Johansson
22 apr. 20243 min läsning
Ending Endless Ads
Digital advertising desperately needs supply side reform.
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Karl Johansson
18 dec. 20233 min läsning
The “Demographic Dividend”
Economics is more than demographics, and remembering that makes for better economic and social policy.
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Karl Johansson
23 okt. 20233 min läsning
More Than Just Inflation
Monetary policy is about more than just inflation, and as hard as it is to normalise rates it will be worth it.
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Karl Johansson
18 sep. 20232 min läsning
Relevant Advertising
Tech companies often go on about 'relevant ads', what does that mean for users?
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Karl Johansson
8 aug. 20223 min läsning
Russian Sanctions: an Evaluation
There was considerable hype surrounding the sanctions on Russia at the start of the war, but now you seldom hear about them. Did they work?
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Karl Johansson
2 maj 20225 min läsning
The Fed's Failure
The Fed has failed to keep inflation low it might need to reinvent itself to avoid becoming the target of establishment-bashing populists.
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Karl Johansson
27 sep. 20216 min läsning
Transitory: The Case For New Monetary Policy
The recent increase in inflation presents a challenge for central banks, but most of all an opportunity.
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Karl Johansson
21 juni 20214 min läsning
The Inevitable Crypto Crash
Crypto is more popular than ever and is slowly becoming more mainstream. There is a crash coming.
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Karl Johansson
10 maj 20212 min läsning
The Dogecoin Debacle
In a new low for crypto Dogecoin drops 30% over an episode of a comedy show. What does and doesn't move prices for crypto?
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Karl Johansson
7 feb. 20213 min läsning
The Politics of the Gamestop Mania
There has been endless talk about r/wallstreetbets and Gamestop lately but nobody talks about the most interesting part of the story.
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Karl Johansson
17 jan. 20213 min läsning
The Bitcoin Bubble
Bitcoin has had a great year, but with every new all time high the collapse inches closer.
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Karl Johansson
6 dec. 20203 min läsning
Counter-Productive Housing Policy
The Swedish government proposes a plan to make buying a home more accessible to the young; if implemented it would do the opposite.
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Karl Johansson
4 okt. 20204 min läsning
Covid Crash: Cause, Effects, and Solutions
The second quarter of 2020 brought some catastrophic GDP figures, how come there's not more panicking about it, and can we get out of it?
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Karl Johansson
6 sep. 20202 min läsning
Why Governents Should Let Firms Fail
Why should taxpayers pay to save airlines when private equity firms would've been happy to?
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Karl Johansson
2 aug. 20203 min läsning
The Choice
Volcker ended the stagflation of the 1970's in America through bold monetary policy, it's time we end the stagflation of the 2010's.
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Karl Johansson
5 juli 20203 min läsning
Are 'stock runs' the new bank runs?
Have the Fed's asset purchasing programmes changed the way people save, and thereby made market drops like the one in Q1 2020 more likely?
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Karl Johansson
14 juni 20205 min läsning
Hertz "Initial Bankruptcy Offering" Explained
Hertz is offering bankrupt shares and people seem to want to buy, why?
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